Green Kennedy
Kennedy School is passionate about Sustainability Education and has an ongoing commitment to fostering sustainability as part of our daily lives.
Measuring/minimising energy usage using Entrak. This continuous data is available to our school community. Staff and students switch off devices when not in use.
Striving for Zero-Waste
Beverage packaging is collected every Monday for recycling. Recycling bins for paper, plastic and drink cans are widely used by staff and students. We also reuse materials like cardboard, plastic bottles for learning and in play. All students use reusable water bottles and are strongly encouraged not to use single-use plastics.
Food Waste
Fruit peels are collected and composted weekly in our electric composters. They are broken down further before use in the school garden.
Biodiversity on campus
The roof garden hosts a variety of local plants that attract many insects and birds. This garden hosts directed lessons and free play exploration.
Developing voices, leadership and experiences
Students from different areas of the school are regularly encouraged to share ideas on ways we can improve our school.
Eco monitors and ambassadors meet regularly to talk about ways to help make our school community even more sustainable. They communicate details on sustainability-based visits or visitors to the wider school community.
Visits and Visitors
We are lucky to host many environmental visitors from different backgrounds. All year groups take part in excursions with an environmental focus. We take part in local and national charity drives that help our local environment and enrich our community. Our school events all have sustainability at their heart during the planning process.