We are currently accepting applications. Applications for entry to our school are made through the ESF Online Admission System (OAS).
In this section, you will find everything you need to start your journey with us.
Step 1: Determine enrolment age and year group
In ESF schools, all children in a year group are born in the same calendar year. The academic year runs from August to June. Please refer to the “How to Determine Your Year Group” section in this link for more details.
Step 2: Check school zoning (Primary & Secondary)
To be considered for admission into ESF Kennedy School, you have to be residing in our catchment area:
You may refer here for more details.
Step 3: Admission Criteria and Priority
Please refer to the “Admission Criteria and Priority” section in this link for details.
Step 4: Submit an online application
Parents should submit online applications through the ESF Online Admission System (OAS).
Key dates can be found here.
Children who require significant and daily support for learning
Applications for Learning Support (LS) / Jockey Club Sarah Roe School follow a different application process. These applications are managed through ESF Centre, with an Admissions and Review Process (ARP) to assess students and make placement recommendations in line with the ESF Levels of Adjustment Framework.
Please visit ESF – Admissions of Children to Learning Support and Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (updated link: https://www.esf.edu.hk/learning-support-admissions/ ) for more information.
Step 5: Assessment/Interview
Students will be required to complete age-appropriate assessments to determine their ability to engage with an English-medium education.
Useful links:
ESF Admissions Overview:
Fees & Charges:
General Admissions FAQ:
Online Admissions system FAQ: https://www.esf.edu.hk/about-esf/online-admissions-system/
School Withdrawal Policy:
Student withdrawal – https://www.esf.edu.hk/primary-secondary-student-withdrawal/